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Rum Appreciation in the 21st Century
For many years we kept hearing from distillers, importers, wholesalers, retailers and on-premise staff about the lack of rum information, courses and books. With those concerns in mind, we set out to create a course that would take a student from knowing nothing about rum, to being well-versed on the subject.

The Benefits Of Sponsorship

Q: Why should I sponsor a Rum University Lesson?

A: Progressive, forward-looking rum companies realize that savvy rum consumers are thirsty for knowledge and that well educated consumers benefit the industry.  By sponsoring a lesson, you demonstrate that your interest in your consumers goes beyond selling them a drink, you show that you really care enough about their distilled spirit of choice and that you are committed to helping them learn more about it.

Q: Who visits the Rum University?

A: Our visitors (students) come from all walks of life and from all over the world.  A recent survey uncovered the following demographics:

Countries - Most visitors are from (in alphabetical order): Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, U. Kingdom, Germany and the United States.

Occupation - 72% are rum consumers, 28% are producers, bottlers, importers, wholesalers or retailers.

Gender - 90% are male, 10% are female.

Age - 20% are between 21 and 30 years old, 26% are between 31 and 40 years old, 27% are between 41 and 50 years old, 23% are between 51 and 60 years old.  The remaining 4% is either under 21 or over 61.

Rum Consumption - 35% report purchasing new rums very frequently (at least once per month), 34% purchase new rums frequently (at least once every other month), 19% purchase new rums a couple of times per year.

Q: How does sponsorship work?

A: The sponsorship period is 12 months at a time.  During this time, the sponsored lesson material will include a full page ad from the sponsoring company.  The sponsoring company's banner will also rotate on the Rum University website (Main page and Courses page).  Additional sponsorship opportunities exist for cross-site promotions on our sister sites:,, and others.  Once the 12 months have elapsed, the sponsor will be given the opportunity to extend the sponsorship for another 12 months or to release the lesson for another company to sponsor.  During renewal time, priority will be given to active sponsors ahead of those on the waiting list.

Q: Can I sponsor more than 1 lesson at the same time?

A: No, unfortunately we cannot allow for this.  Only one lesson can be sponsored per BRAND at a time.

Q: How do I get started?

A: Contact us! We'll let you know which lessons are about to become available and which ones have the shortest waiting list.
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The History and Science of the Barrel
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